It’s been almost a year since we’ve graduated from college and became real ~ p r o f e s s i o n a l s ~. We thought that this would be the perfect time to reflect on how far we’ve come, how college and life were like us, and hopefully sharing our experiences will help someone else out there!…
Month: July 2019
Happy Anniversary, Hong Kong
Today marks exactly one year since I packed my bag and moved to Hong Kong.
To this day, it still feels weird to say Hong Kong is home, yet it’s grown to be more and more like one. Time seems to be flying by but at the same time, a lot has happened in the past year which makes it feels longer than it is.…
My Favorite Movies! (just a bunch of romcoms lol)
If you know me in real life (hi hello), chances are you’ve heard me talk about Ashley aka bestdressed aka my favorite Youtuber ever. If you’re into fashion or just looking for a new person to watch (and waste hours of your life on), I recommend checking out her videos, they are both incredibly aesthetic and also really funny – really can’t ask for more.…