why we started this blog
When we first started thinking about starting a blog, we thought about many different topics that we could do. Did we want to make a travel blog? Food? Photography? We love all of those, but we also felt like something was missing.
Throughout our journey moving from college to adulthood, we realized that there was a lack of guidance and candid content online in navigating this major transition in life. There’s so much information out there about the transition from high school to college, but after college, it seems like we are just supposed to have it all figured out. In reality though, it doesn’t come that easy.
Now that we’ve gone through some of that journey (and we still are!), we want to share what we learned and what we are learning.
In the end we’re just trying to fake it until we make it, and we invite any other lost soul out there to join us as we try to do a little more “making it” and less “faking it”.
So welcome friend. Let’s figure this adulting thing out together.