Yep. As you may be able to tell from the title, today we’re talking about Instagram! Specifically, how to grow an account from scratch – whether it’s for your personal account, work, or side hustles. There’s no exact formula on how to make your Instagram account blow up, and it certainly takes time (and effort) to be seen and somewhat successful, but I want to share with you a few tips and tricks that have worked for me! …
Author: Praisella
8 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad
Are you considering study abroad? Tempted to go but not sure if it’s worth the effort? Well, you’ve come to the right place because I’m here to convince you to GO. DO. IT.
As you may or may not know, my semester abroad in Hong Kong was certainly one of the highlights of my college years and was quite literally life-changing since I ended up moving here after graduation.…
Eating in Berlin: The Ultimate Food and Drinks Guide
Hello! It’s been a while – how’s it going?
In case you’re wondering why we’ve been MIA, it’s mostly because I (P) was on a work trip for the first half of this month. This time, it was in Berlin!
It was my first time in Europe (I know, I know I’m so late) and man, I finally understand why people love Europe so much because it really is a whole other world out there.…
Summertime Favorites (ft. reunion and lots of HK recs!)
Ahh summertime, the time where drowning in sweat and rain becomes the new normal and staying in with AC is now more exciting than ever.
Despite this god-awful weather, this summer has also been an incredibly active and plan-filled one for me.…
Happy Anniversary, Hong Kong
Today marks exactly one year since I packed my bag and moved to Hong Kong.
To this day, it still feels weird to say Hong Kong is home, yet it’s grown to be more and more like one. Time seems to be flying by but at the same time, a lot has happened in the past year which makes it feels longer than it is.…
My Favorite Movies! (just a bunch of romcoms lol)
If you know me in real life (hi hello), chances are you’ve heard me talk about Ashley aka bestdressed aka my favorite Youtuber ever. If you’re into fashion or just looking for a new person to watch (and waste hours of your life on), I recommend checking out her videos, they are both incredibly aesthetic and also really funny – really can’t ask for more.…
The Month of Many Firsts – P’s May Favorites
HELLO! Welcome back to another edition of Praisella cannot believe the month is over and now struggles to think about what happened there – I mean, another month’s favorites!
Is it just me or this year really just flies by like no tomorrow?…
Books I Read in April (finally!)
Recently, I’ve been trying to get back to reading. It has (legitimately) been years since I read anything for my own good aside from mandatory course readings in college. Also, I needed to find another way to entertain myself aside from endless Netflixing (honestly a problem).…
Finding Friends in New Place: A Quick Guide
It’s May! Spring is coming to an end and summertime is just right around the corner (yay). This also means that graduation season is officially here!
With graduation approaching, a new phase of life is about to begin. For some of you, this includes starting a new life in a new place.…
~ 48 Hours in Bali feat. Story Time ~
Hello hello!
This post was originally titled 48 hours in Bali – the perfect weekend / relaxing getaway.
Which is funny (and very ironic), because my trip turned out to be neither perfect nor relaxing. In fact, it was probably one of the most stressful situations I’ve had, and definitely high up there on the “shittiest thing that ever happened to praisella” list.…