The One Where I Try to Get My Shit Together

Do you ever feel like you wake up one day and everything is a mess? Every few weeks, I get hit with a ‘what is happening’ and have this sudden urge to reorganize my life, typically after a long week of work, a really chaotic period of time, or when I’m simply in a bit of a funk. …

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Anna’s 2019 Recap: Growing Pains

Looking Back

Reflecting is always a weird thing to do. I think back to the start of 2019 and can’t for the life of me remember what I was like — or who I was. Did I change? I must have.…

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How to Grow Your Instagram Followers

Yep. As you may be able to tell from the title, today we’re talking about Instagram! Specifically, how to grow an account from scratch – whether it’s for your personal account, work, or side hustles. There’s no exact formula on how to make your Instagram account blow up, and it certainly takes time (and effort) to be seen and somewhat successful, but I want to share with you a few tips and tricks that have worked for me! …

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Finding Friends in New Place: A Quick Guide

It’s May! Spring is coming to an end and summertime is just right around the corner (yay). This also means that graduation season is officially here!

With graduation approaching, a new phase of life is about to begin. For some of you, this includes starting a new life in a new place.…

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How to find a job abroad 101

About a year ago, I moved to Hong Kong for a job and to this day, I still think it was the best career decision I could have made. Since I made the move, I’ve gotten a few people asking me how I did it and the process that comes with job hunting abroad.…

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